Cody Whitby

ARTS 391 - 004

GitHub Repo

Hardware Checkout

I have a small collection of various boards and sensors that I’m always adding to and will make available to loan out if you agree to do your best not to break or lose anything. This could be useful for trying before buying or just to tinker with actual hardware.


  • Things happen but you agree to do your best not to snap a board in half or lose anything
  • Loans must be either returned or checked in with me and extend each class meeting
  • No permanent modifications (like soldering on headers or trimming down a board)
  • I may need something for class or personal reasons so not everything can be available at all times

Available Boards

  • Raspberry Pi
  • Raspberry Pi 2
  • SparkFun Photon RedBoard
  • Arduino Uno
  • Intel Edison (on the way)

Sensors / Components

  • Soil Moisture Sensor
  • Tiny OLED Screen
  • Triple Axis Accelerometer
  • Motion Sensor
  • Humidity and Temperature Sensor
  • Magnetic Door Sensor
  • Photocell
  • Bunch of LEDs in various colors
  • Buttons
  • 10K Trimpot
  • Piezo Speaker
  • Capacitors and Resistors
  • MIDI Input
  • Jumper Cables and Breadboards
  • Assortment of cables, connectors, etc
  • USB Wifi Adapter
  • Raspberry Pi Camera and Breakout Board
  • USB to TTL Serial Cable
  • SD cards with Pi images or empty
  • PiTFT (Pi Touchscreen)
  • Probably a lot more stuff!
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