Cody Whitby

ARTS 391 - 004

GitHub Repo

Hello World

Hi everyone, this little site will be serving as a central repository for the course. That includes any assignments, resources, syllabus, discussions and sporadic posts of interesting or inspiring links.

Find a list of resources in the menu to the right ->

All posts have comments enabled below, any comments made count towards class participation the same as in class discussions do. Assigned readings will be announced in class and posted here and it is required to post a brief comment on these. Comments at a minimum only need to be a sentence or two and can be a question about the material, any insights gained, replying to another comment or just quick thoughts on the subject. Also please use a Disqus username that allows me to know who is who.

Course schedule page in the works and some other fixing up coming.
The GitHub repo for this site can be found at by the way.

thanks thanks and thanks!

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